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發布時間:2020-05-18 09:31:02







Arthorn is a use of wind power to kill the enemy's agile swordsman, he is also a resolute man. But this once proud Warriors also suffered defeataccused insult and was forced to participate in a throw the helve after the hatchet fight to survive. When the whole world is his enemy, he will use hisability to do everything you can to make sin is justice trial. To restore hishonor.
Arthorn once in the prestigious AI echo fencing school was an extremesmart students, he is the only one generation a mastery of the legend of thewind of the art students. Many people thought that he was destined tobecome a great hero. However, his fate was in noxus invasion changed his life. To protect an AI arthorn that echo the elders, but, foolish of him tobelieve that by their own sword can turn back the powers of darkness, so heleft the job to join the battle. But when he returned to his post, the elders had been executed.
The insult to surrender to arthorn ready to pay it in his life the most faildecision. However, to his shock, he was accused as a murderer but is not only the accused be forgetful of one's duties. Even if his own iniquityembarrassment and pain, but he knew that if he did not do what theassassin will still be still unpunished. Arthorn re picked up the blade for his own freedom and the school to give tit for tat, will become public enemy full AI echo even when he knows his conspiracy behavior. And now he will befirst time alone to find the true killer to assassinate the elders.
Arthorn spent years wandering in this piece of land, looking for any possible clues to guide him to find the murderer. Similarly, he was his old fightingrelentless hunt, and has been forced to fight and die to wander. His missiondrives him to march forward courageously, time - until he was one of hismost unwilling to encounter the enemy traced his dear brother, Arnie
Compliance with the honor of dogma, two soldiers in the silence of themoonlight shining on them as competitors confront each other with daggersand mutual. When they finally step forward, but Galliani not arthornopponent, only passing the blade he knocked out his brother. Arthorndiscarded their weapons and hurried to Galliani position.
To overcome the emotional fluctuations, he desperately wants to know whyhis dear brother will think he is guilty. Jani said: "the elder is the wind wasthe operation killed, in addition to who you can?" intelligence one one sweeps to arthorn suddenly understand and make him understand why heis accused of murder. Once again he insists he is innocent and forgive to his brother begged. When his brother fell on his shoulders, arthorn's facethe tears keep falling.
Arthorn in solar buried Jani rose, but he has no time to mourn him. There are other people chasing him, here should not stay long. His brother gavehis new tips to arthorn find new targets; he now has to find the real murderer clues. After his swearing in, he picked up their belongings andtook a last look at Galliani's grave, then load the wind.
哈哈 偷工!




外文名:Yasuo、ヤスオ(康夫)、the Unforgiven









2、在18級時,亞索的斬鋼閃只需要從裝備中獲取 55% 攻擊速度,即可到達攻擊速度上限。


6、美服劫的所有台詞 英語版和亞索的

"Death is like the wind; always by my side."
長路漫漫,唯劍作伴。 "A sword's poor company for a long road."
吾之榮耀,離別已久。 "My honor left a long time ago."
明日安在,無人能允。 "No-one is promised tomorrow."
且隨疾風前行,身後亦須留心。 "Follow the wind, but watch your back."
此劍之勢,愈斬愈烈。 "This blade never gets any lighter."
仁義道德,也是一種奢侈。 "Virtue is no more than a luxury."
滅亡之路,短的超乎你的想像。 "The road to ruin is shorter than you think."
無罪之人,方可安睡。 "Sleep is for the guiltless."
正義,好個冠冕堂皇之詞。 "Justice. That's a pretty word."
回首往昔,更進一步。 "Hmph. One step ahead of the past."
吾雖浪跡天涯,卻未迷失本心。" "A wanderer isn't always lost.
我還在尋找回家的路。 "Just looking for a road home."
不可久留於一處。 "Never could stay in one place."
我將遵循此道,直至終結。 "I will follow this path until the end."
榮耀存於心,而非流於形。 "Honor is in the heart, not the name."
吾之初心,永世不忘。 "I will not forget who I am."
這個故事還沒有完結。 "This story is not yet finished."
樹葉的一生,只是為了歸根吧? "Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?"
汝欲赴死,易如反掌。 "Hmph dying's the easy part.
人們一直在往我的劍上撞。 "People keep running into my blade."
我會給你個痛快的! "I'll give you the easy way out."
蠢貨是無葯可治的! "No cure for fools."
想殺我?你可以試試。 "Kill me? You can try."
死亡而已!沒什麼大不了的。 "It's just death. Nothing serious."
速戰速決吧! "Make it quick."
還是別出招了,反正是我贏。 "Don't start what I'll finish."
想獨自平靜一會嗎?很快你就可以了。 "At peace with yourself? You will be."
有些事絕對不會無趣。 "Some things never dull."
有些失誤無法犯兩次。 "Some mistakes you can't make twice."
我不會懷著恥辱而死! "I will not die dishonored."
別再逃了。 "No more running."
我命由我,不由天。 "I alone decide my fate."
一劍,一念。 "One blade, one purpose."
還沒到死的時候。 "It is not yet time to die."
亞索把他的酒瓶扔向空中並用他的劍接住。 Yasuo tosses his flask into the air and catches it on his sword.
我的劍,比什麼都重要,除了美酒。 "The blade above all things... except a good drink."
誰說我酒量不好的? "Who says I can't handle my drink?"
生命中有三件必經之事:榮譽、死亡、還有宿醉。 "There are three certainties in life: honor, death, and hangovers."
不是你死,就是我 "There is only death... mine, or yours!"
如果你要來殺我,希望你把朋友們也帶上。 "If you've come to kill me... I hope you brought friends."
殺人是種惡習,但我似乎戒不掉了。 "Killing people is a bad habit... but I can't seem to quit


The Unforgiven 這是美服的


1,盲僧·李青,Lee Sin the Blind Monk


2,諾克薩斯之手·德萊厄斯,Darius the Hand of Noxus 


3,無極劍聖·易,Master Yi the Wuju Bladesman


4,德瑪西亞皇子·嘉文四世,Jarvan IV the Exemplar of Demacia


5,疾風劍豪·亞索,Yasuo the Unforgiven

